Five residents and three fellows were honored at the annual graduation dinner, which was held June 15 at the Women’s University Club in Seattle.

The graduation event honored fellows Swati Agarwal-Sinha, MD (Retina), Yamini Attiku, MD (Uveitis), and Jeannette Stallworth. MD (Pediatrics). Agarwal-Sinha is going to private practice in Las Vegas, Attiku to Fort Meyers, Fla., and Stallworth is staying in the Seattle area.

The graduating residents are Alyssa Bonnell, MD (retina fellowship at UW), Hannah Hashimi, MD (pediatrics fellowship at Duke), Sara Hojjatie, MD (private practice), Aleyka Rajanala, MD (cornea fellowship at UCSF), and Laura Selby, MD (private practice).

Marc Toral, MD, PhD, a second-year resident, received the Resident Research Award for his presentation “Long read sequencing for clinical diagnosis of infectious keratitis.”

Professor Kristina Tarczy-Hornoch, MD, DPhil., was honored as the faculty teacher of the year. Paul Israelsen, MD, was honored as the volunteer teacher of the year. Myduyen Ngo, education program manager, was honored as the staff person of the year. The graduating residents choose these recipients. Graduating resident Alyssa Bonnell, MD received the OKAPi Award for earning the highest percentile score on the OKAP in-service exam.